Friday 21 April 2017

New products

For the past few months I have been developing some new ideas and new processes (new to me anyway!) for some new products for Summer.
As a small independent maker and trader, I'm not able to work to seasons with my collections, but I'm trying to bring out small capsule collections when I can.

Recently I have been trying to figure out a way to reduce my impact on the planet with my homewares as well as my lifestyle. As a person on a day to day basis, I try to minimise my waste production, and I try to live as ethically as I can, so I feel like it's time that I add that ethos into my textiles.

I have been doing some research, and it seems that rather than cotton, hemp is a good fibre to use for environmental friendliness. From my research hemp uses around 20 times less water in production compared to cotton; its ages well and actually softens over time; it doesn't require pesticides to flourish, which means it's organic, and also uses less land in the process.
So - not to go on about it, I have decided to test some hemp out. My first batch of fabric is a hemp/cotton blend, and also a 100% hemp, and so far so good! It has a lovely texture and dyes well! I'm using Dylon machine dye to reduce water wastage and it's more environmentally friendly than a chemical direct dye.

I am going to to try out some natural dyes soon but as I'm a beginner with that it will take some trial and error!
Do you have any tips or advice for me about more environmentally and ethically sourced materials? I'd be keen to hear from you!